Predissertation Research Grants

ICGC Predissertation Research Grants provide support for ICGC Scholars at the University of Minnesota undertaking short-term exploratory research in preparation for dissertation research related to the goals of the ICGC Program.

The awards will enable students to conduct preliminary research—typically between the second and third years of graduate study—to investigate research facilities and fieldwork conditions, check availability of archives and other sources of information, test project ideas and methodologies, make contact with scholars and informants, determine skills needed for field research, improve language competency, and adjust their proposed dissertation topic. 

Please note that these grants are not intended to provide support for the candidate's final dissertation research. 

Award Description

Awards will vary based on the applicant's original ICGC Scholar fellowship terms. Grants will help with travel, maintenance, and research expenses for trips of at least one month. Notification will be given by the end of March. Applicants are encouraged to apply to other funders for additional support if needed.


These grants are restricted to current ICGC Scholars.

The grants are intended to support exploratory research, and are not suitable for students who either have already fully developed their research proposal, or have not yet chosen a topic that they are testing for further development. The grants are not to be used for dissertation research or initial language training. Proposed topics must relate to the themes of the ICGC Program.

Students must give evidence of prior contact with in-country institutions, scholars, or programs, or at least of correspondence initiating such contacts.

Application Process


Reporting Requirements

Within a month of returning to campus, the grant recipient is required to submit a 2–3 page report to the Director of the ICGC Program. The report should:

  1. Describe the activities undertaken and significant discoveries made
  2. Detail the impact the trip will have on the eventual dissertation research project
  3. Make a brief accounting of how grant funds were spent​ and provide a list of other support received 

Travel Approval

University policy requires approval for student travel to locations designated as Travel Advisory Level 3 or 4 by the U.S. Department of State. If your project involves travel to one of these locations, you must seek special permission from the International Travel Risk Assessment and Advisory Committee. You should apply as soon as possible, as the committee review process commonly takes several weeks. ICGC cannot release your funds until you have received approval from ITRAAC.

Human Subjects Approval

In addition, if your project includes research involving human subjects, you must apply to the University's Institutional Review Board for approval before commencing your work. This process can also take several weeks to complete, so if your project needs approval you should start your application as soon as possible. ICGC must receive notification of your IRB approval status in order to release your funds.